From the typographic epicenter in Berlin, we operate as an international network of design and engineering experts. Together with them, we build perfect teams for any project.

Ivo is the central figure behind Fontwerk, which he founded at the beginning of 2019. Prior to that he was the Marketing Director at FontShop International and following the takeover by Monotype, he worked in a number of different roles, most recently as Senior Director of Marketing for MyFonts, Linotype, FontShop, and FontExplorer X.
His passion for typography was ignited whilst he trained as a Media Designer for Digital and Print Media. As an Engineer of Print and Media Technology, he was a member of the DIN 1450 Standardization Committee (lettering and legibility), he also founded Typostammtisch Berlin and LTypI.
Ivo is an enthusiastic cyclist, nature lover and keen gardener and especially loves to grow fruit. The autumn before last, he planted the apple variety, Flamed Cardinal, but he’s still waiting for it to bear fruit.

As Type Director, Andreas Frohloff was our first employee and now works for us on a freelance basis. His mentoring approach and expert eagle eye have been instrumental in informing our own approach as to how we want to publish fonts. During the 16 years that he headed up the TypeDepartment at FontFont, his guiding hand was highly appreciated by numerous designers. Many FontFont superstars, including FF DIN, FF Meta, FF Mark and FF Spinoza, all benefited from his precision and meticulousness.
Together with Axel Bertram he published two font families Rabenau and FF Videtur and revised the characterful Berlin street signs after German reunification. His latest major project is Neue DIN, which he created together with Hendrik Weber and Olli Meier and whose design he influenced decisively.
His puns prove that he is not only exceptionally good with letters, but also with words. He is the Godfather of Dad Jokes and his entertaining style makes him an integral part of the Berlin type scene.

Lucy is what is commonly known as a global citizen. She works as a writer, poet and freelance marketing and communications consultant in Cornwall. She’s lived in London, Berlin and Lisbon and Cornwall, whilst in Berlin she worked for Fontshop and FontFont.
Lucy is the wordsmith behind our email newsletters, manages our social media channels and translates our texts into her native language with great sensitivity. Her collection of degrees proves that she is more than qualified for this. She holds a Master’s degree in European Cultures, a Master’s degree in Professional Writing and most recently, she completed a postgraduate course in Teaching Creative Writing. She’s also working on her first book and we’re convinced that it will be a bestseller.

We have worked with Rob on a number of other software projects, e.g. FontStruct, an Adobe plugin and various microsites. We are frequent users of Fonts In Use which he also developed. So it was logical for us that he wrote the code for our webshop. We don’t know a faster and more precise developer. A little known fact: Rob’s biggest success outside of his work was winning a fancy dress competition, dressed as a fried egg.

Right from the very start, Christoph has supported us and been a source of invaluable knowledge in his prime discipline and area of expertise, Font Technology. He has helped us build a powerful engineering team and production workflow. We value him not only as a source of brilliant ideas and impulses but also as a critical spirit and dear friend.
We are honored to have published one of his designs Pangea. You can find out more about him and the secret of his Prenzl’berger allotment garden office over on his designer page.

A physicist wants to understand the world, follow progress and put things into context. This explains Jürgen’s interest in technical developments, which he described early on as a science journalist and technical editor. In the mid-1980s, as co-founder and editor-in-chief of PAGE magazine, his focus also expanded to include the design aspect, until he ultimately shaped the marketing success of FontShop Germany for decades. Here Jürgen also appeared as program director of TYPO Berlin, TYPO Labs and Brand Talks as well as Fontblogger and publisher of the FontBook. Independently of this, the digital native has long been a co-host of CreativeMornings Berlin.
Jürgen works for Fontwerk in his specialist discipline. He increasingly contributes content and also supports us in an advisory role. As a natural scientist, he calmly keeps an eye on the big picture. We suspect that this must have something to do with his collection of snow globes.
In addition, we cooperate with further fantastic people and agencies for various projects and tasks.