Christine Gertsch is interested in bringing brands to life through interaction. She teaches this, and much more, in her role as a Lecturer and Head of the CAS Type & Brand faculty at the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) in courses on type design, its digital application and creative coding.
Her progressive and systematic approach is also recognized and praised by her clients which include Reka, Jelmoli, Halsfeger, Sympany and Unicef. As Co-Founder and Organizer of the Typostammtisch Zurich, Christine regularly also brings together typography enthusiasts from across the city.
The self-employed Visual Designer and Type Designer draws on her experience from living and working in five different countries. In addition to her adopted home of Zurich and her hometown of Basel, she has worked in Canada, Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands. During her time on the Type and Media Master’s degree at KABK (Royal Academy of Art), The Hague, her interest in the combination of technical features and design gained particular momentum.
This interest is one of two central themes of her typeface, Push. After various custom font projects and her own font experiments, Christine is now publishing a retail family for the first time. As a hobby cyclist and rower, sporting aspects were also part of the inspiration behind the font’s design concept.