Azza Alameddine

One half branding, one half type design – this is the magical mixture of Azza Alameddine’s creative work. This multidisciplinary approach was first evident in her education, for her first degree she studied Visual Communication at the Creapole in Paris and this was followed by a Master’s Degree in Type Design at the University of Reading.
The designer, who originally comes from Lebanon and now lives in Barcelona, is eager to understand the identity of Arabic type in its cultural context, to preserve it and, in the best case, to develop it further with the help of outstanding typography.
After working at various agencies and at the renowned type foundry Dalton Maag in London, Azza Alameddine made her home at TypeTogether, where she designed the Arabic additions for their bestsellers Adelle Sans (2017) and Bree (2021), among others. In 2022, she helped Fontwerk’s Pangea to expand to Arabic.